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In Confianza four performers investigate how to listen deeply and open a door to transformation. They ask when trust is a burden and when it is a gift, when well-grounded and when elusive, if it’s possible to love powerfully without compromising one’s own center. Confianza, which means trust in Spanish, highlights tango’s main legacy: the radical lead-follow interdependency and expands it beyond embrace. The show explores the fragile balance of trust and distrust negotiated in ambivalent relationships and the impact of trust as a source of meaning and growth. 

Confianza premiered at La MaMa Moves! Dance Festival in 2022, NYC. Presented by La MaMa

The following video (SOUND ON PLEASE) will take you through our research and creative process (unmute button top right corner). The work was the result of a collaboration between Obie Award winner theater director Orlando Pabotoy, 2019 ATUSA tango champion Orlando Reyes Ibarra, former principal of Ballet Hispanico Rodney Hamilton, and HOLA and ACE awarded choreographer Valeria Solomonoff. Premiering at La MaMa Moves Dance Festival with lighting design by Charlotte Seeling, costume design by Gail Baldoni, sound design by Daniel Guglielmi, stage manager Valeria LLaneza, understudy Chelsea Retzloff and girl role by Alondra Meek.  


This project was possible thanks to residencies at Center for Ballet and the Arts, NYU, “Danspace Project”, “Aire”- Flamenco Vivo Carlota Santana and Windhover Performing Arts Center. It received funding from @DanceNYC #DanceAdvancementFund and Tango Mercurio, most importantly, it’s made possible thanks to the continuing support of private donors like yourself

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